Unable to decrypt file

I was trying to decrypt a file, and I got this message.

[Lit-JS-SDK v2.2.23] most common error: {"errorCode":"bad_input","message":"422 Unprocessable Entity (/web/encryption/retrieve) - This usually means your JSON body is wrong.  Please check that you have sent over every required JSON parameter and that the types are correct according to the docs here https://lit-protocol.github.io/lit-js-sdk/api_docs_html/index.html#litnodeclient"}
Error downloading file  errConstructorFunc {
  message: '422 Unprocessable Entity (/web/encryption/retrieve) - This usually means your JSON body is wrong.  Please check that you have sent over every required JSON parameter and that the types are correct according to the docs here https://lit-protocol.github.io/lit-js-sdk/api_docs_html/index.html#litnodeclient',
  name: undefined,
  errorCode: 'bad_input'

Followed demo from the below links:
Encrypt: https://github.com/spheronFdn/sdk/blob/main/examples/storage-encryption/src/encrypt.js Decrypt: https://github.com/spheronFdn/sdk/blob/main/examples/storage-encryption/src/decrypt.js

@aayush can you please take a look here

There might be an issue with:

  1. the accessControlConditions that you’re using. Please refer this: Encryption | Lit Protocol
  2. the values that you are passing to -
const decryptedData: Uint8Array = spheron.decryptUpload({