Introducing Referral Program, Revamped Navigation UX, Spheron Footer & Platform Updates

Introducing Referral Program

In this release, we made a significant update to our referral system to make it accessible to all users and added a new user-friendly UI, to provide transparency and insight into your referral activities. Here are the details:

  • Invite Everyone: Previously an invite-only feature, our referral program is now open to all users! We encourage you to invite friends, colleagues, and fellow developers to join Spheron and enjoy the benefits of our decentralised cloud infrastructure.

  • User-Friendly Stats Table: Explore a brand-new Stats Table within the UI to view comprehensive details about the users you’ve referred and the earnings generated from them. This table provides a clear overview of your referral performance.

  • Earning Structure: For every user you refer, you’ll receive 10% of the amount they spend on their first purchase. The referral earnings are capped at a maximum of $10 per referred user. Amount earned through referrals can only be utilised to purchase and top-up compute credits.

Explore the Referrals section inside the User Settings page for comprehensive information about the program’s terms, your referred users, and earnings.

Revamped Navigation UX

We are bringing you an enhanced navigation experience to streamline your usage of Spheron’s Platform UI. In this update, we focused on revamping the top-level navigation, introducing inner navigation updates, and enhancing sidebar navigation for a more intuitive and efficient user experience. Below are the details of the key changes:

Top-Level Navigation:

  • Compute, Storage, Static Site: Easily switch between different app types directly from the top navigation bar. Whether you’re configuring compute instances, exploring storage options, or managing static sites, the new top-level navigation ensures effortless transitions.

  • Organisation Settings & Team: Accessing organisation settings and managing your team is now more straightforward. Find these options seamlessly integrated into the top-level navigation for quick and easy access.

Inner Navigation Update:

  • Introduction of Tabs: The main dashboard just got more organised! We’ve introduced tabs to allow seamless switching between the billing section and the main dashboard. This update ensures that you can effortlessly navigate between different aspects of your account without losing context.

Sidebar Navigation:

  • Navigate Within a Page: The sidebar navigation has been optimised to help you move effortlessly between different components within a single page. This enhancement aims to provide a more organised and efficient way to explore and manage specific features without the need for extensive clicks.

Platform Footer

We have introduced a footer component, designed to bring essential functionalities and resources closer to you for a more convenient and streamlined user journey.

  • System Status Indicator: Keep track of our system’s health with the new status indicator. Quickly identify whether all systems are operating smoothly or if there are major or partial outages.

  • Theme Switcher Action Buttons: Enjoy a personalized experience with the introduction of theme switcher action buttons. Effortlessly toggle between dark and light modes to suit your preference.

  • Important Links: Access essential resources directly from the footer. We’ve included important links for easy navigation

Platform Improvements & Fixes

  • Restart Instance: We have introduced a functionality that allows you to efficiently restart your compute instances using your existing configurations.

  • Pricing Calculation Optimisation: We have done significant optimisations on our platform for calculating compute prices for instance plans and compute usage.

  • Web3 Payment: We have fixed issues related to web3 wallet deposit amount & invoice amount not showing correctly for certain networks.

  • Compute Usage Page: We have resolved the issue where compute usage page is breaking intermittently on refresh.

  • Compute Topup: We have fixed the issue of conversion table UI which shows USD prices for the selected token not showing in some cases.

  • Deployed Instance Prices: We have fixed the issue where prices are not showing correctly when the user loads subsequent instances in the cluster details page.

  • Compute Topup Amount: We have added a restriction on topup and auto-topup amount to accept only integer values.

  • Compute Instance Shell: We have fixed the issue where the entered command on shell was also appearing on the prompt response.

  • Performance improvement: We have enhanced the platform UI performance by decreasing the server response time and reducing the bundle size.

  • Custom Instance Plan: We have rectified the issue related to UI showing custom instance plan instead of selected plan. Also, we have resolved the price showing incorrectly for custom plan when updating instance.

  • New Instance Creation: We have fixed the issue where user is not able to navigate to new instance page from cluster details when there are no instances present for the selected cluster.

  • Pills Component: We have integrated the pills component which was created as part of our design system.

  • Instance Closing: We have resolved the issue where the system incorrectly updates status of instance when the user navigates to a different instance from the one which was closed.

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