Changelog | Referral Program, Mantle and Linea Payments, Storage & Compute SDK Changes

SDK Enhancements

We’re excited to introduce several updates and features in our SDK to enhance your experience:

Repository Examples Refresh

In our SDK repository, we’ve refreshed the code examples to align with the new Storage organization. These updated examples demonstrate best practices and showcase the seamless integration of our SDK with the latest organization type.

@spheron/storage: New Version v2.0.2

We’ve released a new version of the @spheron/storage, which includes the following improvements and features:

  • Background CID Pinning: The pinCid function, now support pinning in the background.
  • Maximum Upload Size Control: We’ve introduced a powerful capability that allows you to define the maximum size of your uploads using the createSingleUploadToken function. This feature seamlessly integrates with the @spheron/browser-upload package, providing you with fine-grained control over the size of your uploads.
  • Enhanced Token Validation: To ensure compatibility and data integrity, we’ve implemented improved token validation. Now, if a token passed to the Constructor is not associated with the “Storage” organization, our system will throw an error. This enhancement helps safeguard your data and ensures that the SDK functions as intended within the context of the “Storage” organization.

@spheron/compute: New Version v1.0.6

We’ve released a new version of the @spheron/compute, which includes the following improvements and features:

  • Compute type Selection: In our latest release, Spheron introduces two compute options: Spot for static resource allocation and On Demand for dynamic adjustments based on immediate needs. Spot compute offers straightforward, unchanged resource distribution, while On Demand compute lets users optimize resources like CPU and memory based on specific workloads

Referral Program

We’re thrilled to present a new suite of features dedicated to our Referral System, crafted to elevate your engagement and ensure a rewarding experience for our users.

Referral Functionality Addition

In a bid to foster community-driven growth, we have inculcated a robust Referral System as part of our platform. Empowering users with the capability to actively track referrals, generate, and even update their unique referral codes. This provides an intuitive way for users to share our platform with their friends and network.

Mutual Rewards for Successful Referrals

To celebrate community growth, every time a referred friend makes their inaugural payment, both the referrer and the referred will be awarded a 50% of that initial payment in the form of referral credits.

Seamless Payment with Referral Credits

Taking the user convenience up a notch, once users accumulate referral credits, a new payment method is auto-activated. This allows them to effortlessly utilize these credits to make purchases or avail services within our platform, making the whole process smooth and user-centric.

Withdrawal support

As a bonus, we’ve incorporated features that allow users to request withdrawal of earned credits when they reach a certain threshold. Credits can be withdrawn to a crypto wallet of choice, and users can keep a tab on their withdrawal requests, making the process more streamlined and transparent.

Referral Activation Process

Note that the referral feature doesn’t come enabled by default. To enable it users can request activation by providing the necessary details in this form. Once everything checks out, we will enable it exclusively for them, ensuring a tailored referral experience.

Mantle and Linea Chain Integration for Streamlined Payments

We’ve seamlessly integrated the Mantle and Linda Chains to offer rapid, effortless, and secure payment transactions on Spheron.

Expanded Token Support: Along with our previous chains, we’ve expanded our support within the Mantle and Linda ecosystems, enhancing transactional versatility.
The procedure to upgrade to the PRO plan remains consistent. Users should connect their wallets, select either the Mantle or Linea chain, and then choose their preferred token for subscription payments. Supported tokens for Mantle chain are USDT, USDC and WMNT. Supported tokens for Linea chain are USDT, USDC, DAI and WETH.

Platform Improvements & Fixes

  • Pinned CID Uploads:
    • Directory Structure: Resolved an issue where the directory structure was missing for CID-pinned uploads.
    • Wrap Directory Option: Removed the option to wrap the directory when pinning a CID.
  • Storage Organization Link Fixes: Repaired broken links on the Storage organization pages for better navigation.
  • Instance Plan Search Functionality: Fixed a bug that prevented the instance plan search from functioning properly.
  • Bug Resolutions & Performance: Addressed various bugs throughout the app, including double loading and glitches, to improve the overall user experience.
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