Upgrading your Shardeum Node to Latest Version with Spheron BOT

Gm Everyone,

I have tried to create something good for you to ensure your node deployment & upgrade experience becomes more seamless. Please follow this tutorial to upgrade your existing Shardeum Node or Deploy a new one using a bot.

Please let me know if you face any issues.

Here is the tutorial: https://youtu.be/EcvEUycC5uY

Here is the bot link: Telegram: Contact @SPHN_SHM_NODE_BOT

Tutorial to create API Key: https://youtu.be/_TXITy3g3X0

Won’t connect to Shardeum gui – says Something went wrong. Please report issue to support team.

I Updated the instance from Latest to 1.91 but it’s still not working.

Shardeum chain is halted at the moment. Please wait for it to go live & then you can try it again.