Topup Balance Not show after Successful deposit

I have done two successful deposits over $15 and $16 with BSC USDT. But my balance not added in top up. Kindly check and fix.

TRXID 1: 0xfc010c3291bb6474dd65082ee09c909bf9e33893dd551328133b3ef156e14014

TRXID 2: 0x9a3db39499f9ac93f133b14dfd8c7a8bcb2fd5a3d5f6e78997677a4c53afd99b


Here is the quick tutorial on the funding Spheron wallet:

Most of the time, we have noticed that users are depositing the fund & not topping it up.

You have to make the deposit first & then click on top up. It must work immediately.

If you face issue even after this, then raise a bug request with some screen recording so that we can solve the issue.

Balance empty after deposit. So how could this possible to complete top up? the balance also cut from my wallet. I already submitted the Transaction ID which clearly seen the successful transfer.

There was an issue happened because of the Graph Index. The payment module is fixed now. Please check.

Please check your dashboard, your balance should be fixed now and you can do top-up now