Launching your reactJs App on Spheron

How to Deploy React App with Spheron? Follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a React Application

  • Ensure Node.js and npm are installed.
  • Use the command npx create-react-app my-app to create your React app.
  • Develop your app, ensuring it’s deployment-ready.
  • Push your app to GitHub for Spheron access.

Step 2: Create a Free Spheron Network Account

  • Visit Spheron Network.
  • Click “Free Trial” and authenticate using your preferred Git account (GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket).

Step 3: Creating an Organization

  • Log in and create your organization with a name and avatar.
  • Select “Web App” from the dropdown menu and click “Save.”
  • Click “New Project.”

Step 4: Deploying your React App With Spheron Platform UI

  • Choose your Git provider and authorize Spheron.
  • Select your React repository.
  • Choose the deployment protocol (Arweave, Filecoin, or IPFS).
  • Configure deployment settings:
    • Framework: Choose “Create React App.”
    • Branch: Select your deployment branch.
    • Root directory: If using a monorepo, specify the root directory.
    • Install and build commands: Choose between Yarn and npm.
    • Publish directory: Set to “build.”
    • Configure environment variables and Node engine.
  • Click “Deploy” to start the deployment process.

Benefits of Deploying React App with Spheron Network

  • Custom Deployment Environment: Tailor configurations to your project’s needs for consistency.
  • Continuous Deployment: Automatically deploy changes when you push updates.
  • Preview Mode: Preview app functionality before going live.
  • Static Site Rendering: Improve performance and SEO.
  • Custom Domain: Assign a custom domain.
  • Built-in SSL: Ensure secure data transmission.
  • Developer-Friendly Features: Access AI code generation and scaling capabilities.
  • Reliable Support and Documentation: Comprehensive help for any challenges.
  • Integration with Spheron Features: Unlock additional platform benefits.

Explore the Spheron Guide to begin your hassle-free deployment and development journey.

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