Welcome to the Support Category!

This category is intended for all community members who need assistance or have queries regarding any Spheron services. Whether you’re struggling with deployment, have storage issues, or are facing other challenges, this is the place to seek help.

When to Seek Support? :thinking:

  • Need help troubleshooting errors?
  • Encountering difficulties with Spheron features?
  • Have general questions about how to use Spheron more effectively?

Feel free to post your questions or issues here, and the community or our team will assist you.

Critical Tag :rotating_light:

For extremely urgent issues, you can reach out to the support team directly by using the Critical tag in your post. Please note that the Critical tag is strictly for situations that qualify under the following conditions:

  • Spheron Systems are Down: Complete outage or non-functionality of any Spheron service.
  • Deployments are not working: Complete outage or non-functionality of any Spheron service.
  • Gateways are not working: Complete outage or non-functionality of any Spheron service.
  • Login or Signup Issues: Complete outage or non-functionality of any Spheron service.
  • Site is not loading: Complete outage or non-functionality of any Spheron service.

Support Guidelines :memo:

  1. Be Detailed: The more information you provide, the easier it will be to resolve your issue. Log files, error messages, and screenshots are often helpful.
  2. Be Patient: While we aim to resolve issues as quickly as possible, some queries may take time to investigate.

Answering Guidelines :hammer_and_wrench:

If you’re helping out by answering queries, please ensure your answers are clear and to the point. Always strive to help the member resolve their issue effectively.